Everyone Should Expect The Spanish Inquisition

The Spanish Consul in Edinburgh has been fired after a letter was made public, in which he wrote ‘Entry into the EU does not depend at all in waiting in a queue,’ and that the club can be joined ‘if the economic and political conditions required by all the treaties that regulate it are fulfilled’. Also stating that the Spanish government position ‘has always been’ not to block Scotland’s entry into the EU ‘if independence is legally achieved’.

These statements contradict what Spain has officially been repeating as a Damocles sword over Scotland, threatening with blocking its re-entry into the EU. The Spanish opposition to a re-entry has also been repeatedly used as a deterrent for Catalonia’s own independence aspirations. This episode illustrates once again how Spain immediately acts against anyone telling the truth or stating something that contradicts Spain’s fake arguments against pro-independence views.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Catalan elected officials, civil society leaders, UN experts on Arbitrary Detentions, or even their own consuls. There’s no space for freedom of expression in Spain, if it contradicts the unionist point of view.

At this point, everyone should expect the Spanish Inquisition.

Sources: https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2019-06-08—foreign-dismisses-the-consul-in-edinburgh-for-his-%22statements-of-a-political-nature%22-and-%22exceeding-his-functions%22-.HyGMHHQY0N.html


‘Holding a referendum is a crime even if it has been decriminalized’ and other sentences of the Office of the Prosecutor

The following are some examples of the assertions the Spanish Prosecutor made on his closing statement during the Trial against Catalan political prisoners:

‘Those who offered resistance are responsible for all the violence’

‘Not only using physical energy implies violence, also resisting’

‘What happened in Catalonia between March 2015 and October 2017 is what in the terminology of the jurist Hans Kelsen is called a coup d’état’

‘Holding a referendum is a crime even if it has been decriminalized’

After reading all these statements, it’s shamefully obvious the Prosecutor not only doesn’t understand anything about civil resistance, and the Theory of Passive resistance or non-violent campaigning, he doesn’t even know that there’s a Criminal Law principle that says ‘Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine praevia lege’. This is the legality principle for which a person cannot face criminal punishment except for an act that was criminalized by law before he/she performed the act. This is a disgraceful mock of Justice and of what should be an actual Trial.


Source: https://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20190604/462671205067/juicio-proces-fiscalia-informes-frases-golpe-de-estado.html?fbclid=IwAR0DDIxrBC9GtuY7vzzoLYvftZjfxoVDCg-_fuMVEfq7qhCyOADTY3g1vFA